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Editor's Choice
Ximena Echague
20 May 2020 at 3:45:33 pm
Ayla Guvenc Imır
Street Photographer
About Me
My name is Ayla Güvenç İmir,living in Ankara, Turkey.I am a journalist teacher.I have been taking street photographs for 4 years.The dicipline of all kinds of photographs is streets, the idea, led me to this area. I love the surprises on the streets, the excitement they will come up to when you turn around the corner, and the dynamism in the streets.Ankara is the capital city of Turkey.
Why street photography? I love watching the streets and waiting for them to come across. Shortly, street photography is a passion for me.
To be able to see extraordinaryness in ordinary life, to be on the streets with a great concentration, to follow the light, to see the geometry, to combine different stories in a single frame, to include myself in the frames. This is a situation that affects me a lot.I love getting out on the streets, I love the dynamism of the streets, I love recording the state of humanity, I love the excitement ...